Jane saga (barricade edition)
Jane has ordered a second shipping pod and it will be delivered on Friday, January 31st. She has movers scheduled to help load the pod at 8am on…
4 min read
Jane saga begins
After all the lies from Jane, I have accepted that she and I will not be able to work out a resolution to get her to leave. As…
4 min read
Cat piss carpets
So B has ‘fully’ moved out on the 15th of the month and I have until the end of the month to move into her unit. 15 days…
4 min read
Passive income
lol I have a date with another woman (not my fiancé). Last week I filed to evict a tenant, we have a court date and she was served…
4 min read
Brain dump
I’m trying out this blogging thing. Mostly to get out my thoughts because they bounce around my head too much and it’s difficult to get to the next…
4 min read